Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Drama Babies

I am going to be a mother of another DRAMA child. You want to know how I know that because last night after a great time with some new friends Greg and I ended up going to Maternity and Delivery.

Why? you ask....because I have DRAMA babies. Drama babies are babies who like to put on a good show throughout a pregnancy. They like to put their parents through an enormous amounts of stress by causing such things like CONTRACTIONS at 24 weeks. They also LOVE to have their little hearts skip beats so that the nurses and doctors run in and do immediate ultrasounds, only to find NOTHING wrong ( thank you thank you JESUS!) but none-the-less....


that was our night. leaving to go to the hospital just after 1:30 and arriving back home around 6 this morning. i'm tired. this baby is pressing his/her luck and mine. this baby is severely grounded even when he/she gets out of my uterus!!!!

pray. pray that this one stays in longer than Rowen did. I am not sure what kind of strength I have in me to do this a second time. please pray to whomever it is you pray to. we accept all types.

*on a serious note: my heart stops a little when this happens and I am definitely scared. even though its a drama baby its mine and I love him/her to pieces.

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