Wednesday, December 16, 2009

*** Sometimes, I want to find a closet, walk into it, close the door behind me and SCREAM!***

*let me explain.

It all started many many years ago when i pray for patience ( I was in 10th grade), and God has been testing me ever since. You THINK i would have learned by now, but apparently I am messing something up.
So last night as I am in deep conversation with God, I said to him, " Go ahead, continue to test me but at least give me a time frame for all of this and maybe some deep down inner strength."
Because lately, the stuff he has been throwing my way I almost want to throw it right back at him. But here's to FAITH that things will get better. (cheers) And here's to GROWTH and CHANGE in myself.

*and now i am going to quote 'Velvet Elvis' because its been that kind of day.

----Faith is mysterious to the core. It is about things and being that untimately cannot be put into words. Language fails. And if we do definitively put GOD into words, we have at that very moment made God something God is not.----

House almost done! YAH! This is one thing that I thought would have me stressed and yet it doesnt! I am just so excited about being able to live there.

****Baby sleeping. I might make myself lunch and pack a couple mre boxes.

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