We are very sleepy. We have forgotten briefly, what it was like to have a newborn. Not so much anymore. We are aware...and awake...for the most part. Greg took off a week, not a very fun week for either of us. It was filled with doctors appointments and lab work and such as her billiruben levels are still high and her white blood cell count or something in those white blood cells are low. BOO!
We were in the ER this weekend because she was vomiting every single feed for a good 30 hours. We were worried of dehydration and wondered if the vomiting was related to the billiruben and white blood cell stuff. Docs sent us home with " everything looks quite normal on your little one"...NOT satisfied.
Went to docs again yesterday (thursday). Maeve's stomach was hard and distended. Had an upper GI done and after 10 hours in the hospital.... no blockage! YAH! but it doesn't explain the hard and distended stomach. Also blood cell stuff still LOW.
**** in other news, they called today to let us know they are referring us to a Hematologist/Oncologist at Hershey. yuk. yuk. yuk.
My over used statement of the week has been to everyone who asked "still don't know what's going on." and we don't, I guess that's the hard part. No use getting all worked up (although who are we kidding...i am already worked up. I just hide it well, i guess)
As my grandmother Nellie used to say (according to my mother) "this too shall pass"
more later.
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